I have taken to smoking cigars while fly fishing nowadays.
Cohiba, Romeo y Julieta, Punch… makes no difference… just a nice fat smoky stogie!
I tell my wife this is actually an important “mosquito management” technique that works well with ticks and other dangerous critters… no self respecting member of the wild animal kingdom wants to stick around for an exoskeleton-popping or fur-burning forest blaze.
She’s a city kid so that line worked pretty good… Problem is, I’m not usually one for inviting trouble, especially the carcinogenic esophagus-rotting type, but now I find myself buying my own Bull-Hooey.
The way I figure it, it’s a long and short term play… trade the potential of mouth/throat cancer when I’m 80 for today’s immediate threat of Lyme disease, West Nile or… who knows maybe even Dengue fever!
Yea… it’s a bit of a stretch but it’s good enough for getting out the guillotine and preparing that next smoke.
Though I have to wonder if this is a slippery slope of sorts… what's next?... bottles of Jim Beam just in case I need something to brandish should I face an attack of Mexican bandits… or possibly cheap hookers to keep certain of my bits free from frost-bite.
Anyhow… anyone else light up under the same pretenses and if so… does it really keep the skeeters at bay?